






聯系地址:中國(山東)自由貿易試驗區濟南片區孫村街道經十東路33688號章錦綜合保稅區聯東U谷科創中心5號樓 101


20211108044951783  當前最好的沼氣脫硫方法是利用生物脫硫技術。這種方法具有以下優勢:

  The current best method for biogas desulfurization is to use biological desulfurization technology. This method has the following advantages:

  環保性 :生物脫硫技術不使用化學試劑或其他有害物質,對環境友好。

  Environmental friendliness: Biological desulfurization technology does not use chemical reagents or other harmful substances, making it environmentally friendly.

  成本效益 :該技術能耗低,成本較低,且對環境和人體健康沒有污染。

  Cost effectiveness: This technology has low energy consumption, low cost, and no pollution to the environment and human health.

  高效性 :成熟的生物脫硫技術可以達到99.5%以上的脫硫效率。

  Efficiency: Mature biological desulfurization technology can achieve a desulfurization efficiency of over 99.5%.

  操作簡便 :生物脫硫系統通常包括生物過濾、生物吸附和生物滴濾,操作和維護相對簡單。

  Easy to operate: Biological desulfurization systems usually include biological filtration, biological adsorption, and biological drip filtration, with relatively simple operation and maintenance.

  適應性強 :生物脫硫技術是開放系統,微生物種群隨環境變化而變化,適應性強。

  Strong adaptability: Biological desulfurization technology is an open system, and the microbial population changes with environmental changes, making it highly adaptable.

  技術成熟 :國內外已有成熟的生物脫硫技術,如荷蘭帕克公司的殼牌-帕克工藝和奧地利英環EnvironTec生物濾池脫硫工藝,這些技術已經在實際應用中證明是有效的。

  Technological maturity: There are already mature biological desulfurization technologies both domestically and internationally, such as the Shell Parker process from Dutch company Parker and the EnvironTec biological filter desulfurization process from Austria. These technologies have been proven effective in practical applications.


  Biological desulfurization technology purifies biogas components by utilizing specific microorganisms to convert hydrogen sulfide into sulfate or elemental sulfur. This technology has been widely applied globally and is considered one of the best practice technologies for biogas desulfurization

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